Invasive Species**

Global Warming

Global warming carries heavy effects on the fragile ecosystem of the arctic ocean. With the increasing heat from the combustion of fossil fuels is literally melting away many species homes such as the polar bear, arctic fox, arctic wolf and many more.
When fossil fuels like coal are emitted through combustion into the atmosphere they create a greenhouse effect on earth which traps to much of the gasses emitted causing the overall temperature of the planet to heat up. On average, the temperature on the Earth’s surface has increased by 0.6°C (1°F) over the last two centuries. The rising temperatures are cause the melting of sea ice and the receding of glaciers. In some parts of the arctic where there is permafrost, it too is also melting. These issues may seem small but the existence of the ice and permafrost meen life and death for many of the land animals in the arctic.
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The permafrost layer is a layer of ice underneath the active layer(which thaws in the summer). The permafrost layer is the sediments, soil, and small rock that is frozen beneath the active layer. It maintains its solidity through all seasons.

As the cycle of global warming continues it will become regular for more species of this fragile environment to become extinct. With the food web beginning to fray, food is becoming more scarce for these animals to even have a chance of surviving.
Overall global warming is the biggest threat to the survival of any of the species of the arctic. Humanity along with all the species of the arctic ecosystem are running out of time.

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In fact it is estimated by scientists that by the year of 2040 that there will be absolutely no ice at all left in the arctic. Which means that the survival of the land species is critical and time is few.  
Canada promotes burning less fossil fuels to solve the problem.

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